WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Fwd: WAI-ARIA 1.1 Authoring Practices replaces older resources

bibliographic citations

Accessible PDF Creation

Sending signed PDFs

How JAWS provides labels for unlabelled forms in some scenario's

Color of link text

Floor layout images - alternative text

Clarification on forms mode of screen readers

Audio Captcha

[WebAim] clarification required for few things about accessibility

generic html5 errors

Accessible SVGs

PDF line breaks and reading flow with screenreaders

clickable clickable clickable

Can <span> & <div> be considered Semantic or non-semantic elements

Examples for accessible, attractive links (without underlines)?

The Remove aria-hidden Bookmarklet

Use of hyperlinks instead of buttons

loading content and single page applications


Presentations: video presentation versus presentation software?

Calibri font issues

Inclusive Design Patterns -- new book by Heydon Pickering

new Udacity Web Accessibility course

Professional Web Accessibility certification

Modal close button not focusable; ESC works

(no subject)

Recent Web Accessibility Presentation...

multi-level tabpanel

Keyboard Navigation Pattern for Navigation Menu with Submenu

Headings: requirements vs best practices


New Position and SANPRM

FW: non-underlined link - will bolding meet contrast requirement?

Registration is now open for AHEAD’s Live Virtual Conference 2016

text only zoom

complex form questions

online training

span in place of label?

MS Access accessibility

Deadline Tomorrow – Join Our New CPACC Certificates

Javascript accessibility tool list

Iframe accessibility in IE 11

Accessible Word Docs - Need Help

Let Deque Help You Prepare for the IAAP CPACC Exam

Accessible elearning platform

FW: Deadline Tomorrow – Join Our New CPACC Certificants

Extended deadline for IAAP certification (ends tomorrow)

WebAIM-Forum Digest, Vol 135, Issue 11

accessibility and SEO

Telecommunications Products (1194.23) part of Section 508