WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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sorry! - email error

Exit icons/disclaimers on HHS PDF files

Web Accessibility knowledge survey for ITS staff

Decorative image or not in a search listing?

Fieldset/legend as label for textbox or textarea?

Combobox: what should the Esc key do?

Global Accessibility Awareness Day in Bangalore, India

JAWS issue for mandatory fields

Accessible Google Fonts

Styling of video captions

Anchor inside label?

Conveying relationship in grid

To what degree does failure to convey structure violate 1.3.1 or other success criteria?

sample page of aria lable

mailchimp accessibility and Patreon accessibility

CSS disabled

Working around flaky browser accessibility tree

Trapping focus in an alert

Multiple choice with radio buttons - WCAG conformant markup

4.1.1 Parsing > nested elements

Spell out "Q&A"

Permanent A11Y Opportunity in New York City

Icon Description

PDF tagged or not?

OT: RFP for Web Accessibility Services

More problems with tables, PDF, and screen readers

Multi panel web editor frame.

OT Permanent A11Y Opportunity in Minneapolis

Accessibility of Invisible CAPTCHA

heading as child of another heading - valid?

Accessible video player

Where should I expect the focus?

Experience with MS Teams

JAWS cannot handle complex table


New framework

Alts for text links

Access Keys

Call for Proposals: Accessing Higher Ground 2018

Google maps/maps API accessibility

PDF Remediation Question

Query on heading hierarchy

Required fields with Talkback

do you call a combo box a "combo box" in user documentation?

New Web Accessibility Practitioners Survey

When screen readers fail to detect added content...

accessible Rich Text Editor

accessing dropdown lists in excel documents

aria-describedat In or Not In

Wells Fargo is coming to CSUN - and we want to hear from you

Inmates Viewing Forum