WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Question about paths generated after export of Word doc to PDF

Preferred browser for a11y testing


  • Lectora by Alan Zaitchik (Sep 29, 2016 9:06am)
  • Re: Lectora by Tyllick,Cliff S (HHSC/DADS) (Sep 29, 2016 3:05pm)

Globally Defining Inclusive Education

PDF remediation choices (maybe with cost)

online course authoring software

Displaying Content based on previous selection

Help needed in making the Excel files accessible

Help with a WAVE error

Voiceover 10 and ARIA

Managing focus for hyperlinks and page content

opinions? FAQs as definition list or headings/paragraph?

accessible word-wrap in word?

Keyboard trap for non-modal dialogs and popups:

Israeli Standard 5568 (Website Accessibility Regulation that requires W3C Accessibility Guidelines 2.0)

Accessing Higher Ground 2016: Last day for early-bird registration

4 worthwhile reads

required some clarifications about the focus items.

For Engineers: A Self-Paced Training Roadmap for Learning ARIA

The Famous Clickable Message

"For Engineers: A Self-Paced Training Roadmap for Learning ARIA"

Where's the WebAIM checklist?

Exclusions in Higher Ed Web Policies

Website Quality Assurance Suites with Accessibility Component

HTML Rendering in IE

Implementing aria-label

screen reader announcing clickable

Navigating different panes/panels/windows in Acrobat Reader using only a keyboard

EASI four part fee based webinar series on creating accessible PDF forms starts September 20

holding software vendors accountable for accessibility

JAWS and Describedby

Request: Add me to your list

508 Refresh news

WebAIM-Forum Digest, Vol 138, Issue 11

In-page links and programmatic focus

Call for Submissions: The 11th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2016)

Office 365 Accessibility Announcement from Microsoft

Career Opportunity - The Ohio State University

Indicating primar and secondary action links to screen readers

Indicating primary and secondary action links to screenreaders

some upcoming accessibility events

online content accessibility tester rates?

Needed: QA participants for usability testing

Auditing Mobile Apps

Video captioning when the video contains text on screen

PDF Accessibility and Copyright

Gmail photo alts

Fwd: CFP Making Learning Accessible 2016

Generate PDF including MathML

Recommendations for web accessibility audit / remediation firm in UK

Web application testing