WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Most commonly used screen readers in China

Unable to see Wave form

Changes to Visual ARIA now live

instructor questionalternative accommodation

Sitepoint for CMS

Having problem with Wave Evaluation

CSS Transparent Background and 1.4.3?

Alt text in Word 2016: Indicate null image & which box to type in

People First workshop

JAWS and disabled combobox options

4.1.2 Question

Section 508 Final rule summary at Maxability.

Looking to contract with a web app developer

Search text field with magnifier icon within the text box


  • iSpring by Moore,Michael (Accessibility) (HHSC) (Jan 19, 2017 2:25pm)

problem with pop up windows

Aria and inline character password validation

Mega Menu

Form X Objects and tagging

FW: U.S. Access Board Publishes Updated ICT Requirements in the Federal Register

Dragon Naturally Speaking

Alternative Descriptions for Complex Tables

script not running correctly

Stakeholders for a future accessibility guidelines

Skip Link and NVDA

Spans inside headings pauses VoiceOver on iOS

Navigating Microsoft Outlook with Assistive Technology

recommendations to make section 508 course accessible.

Accessible modal dialog plugin

Frames differ by browser

Using labels or table headers on nested editable elements inside data cells?

How accessible is Sway?

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Final Standards and Guidelines

Clickable all over the webpage

Query on aria-live

A new four-part blog series on the differences between ARIA 1.0 and 1.1

Using <LI> elements as clickable, focusable objects in menus

Access Board Rule Making

Recommendations required for css

require best software for accessibility check

Braille Displays

Accessibility Conferences / Workshops / Meetups around Philly

fyi re 32nd CSUN Assistive Tech Conference

things to keep in mind!

Visible focus

requesting for your help to understand the moodle consepts

W3school accessible toggle switch

Mapping findings to WCAG

Screen Reader accessible Javascript spreadsheet implementation?

JQuery Chosen accessibility problem

How to label the carousel region?