WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Braille Displays

Accessibility Conferences / Workshops / Meetups around Philly

fyi re 32nd CSUN Assistive Tech Conference

things to keep in mind!

Visible focus

requesting for your help to understand the moodle consepts

W3school accessible toggle switch

Mapping findings to WCAG

Screen Reader accessible Javascript spreadsheet implementation?

JQuery Chosen accessibility problem

How to label the carousel region?

How to solve a talkback chrome issue for aria-describedby

Where does it say to use native HTML features rather than re-create them in ARIA and JS?

A11Y and Agile Methodology

Accessibility minded SAP partner?

Transitions causing motion sickness - WCAG failure and how to handle?

<input type="submit"> vs <button> element

PEAT alternatives?

Web accessibility suits and settlements in 2016


LMS Recommendations

Providing key command.

Running chrome add-ons from the keyboard/screen reader

Microsoft Publisher Accessibility - Reading Order

Accessibility training and scanning solutions providers

Usability vs Accessibility

Verbiage for button and link interactions

link to top?

icons and color contrast

FW: Dr. John Westbrook

How to provide skip to content and skip navigation?

A11y Responsibility Matrix

why is title attribute necessary on iframes?

Require Lead QA for Accessibility testing.

Unrecognizable Links by VO

moodle accessibility.

Reading Data Tables on iOS


How to meet WCAG 1.1.1 for Time-Based Media

Accessibility of + and -

closed caption vs. transcript

should aria-multiselectable be used on accordion group?

Accessible Drop-down box without a submit button.

iframe Video

Reg: How to fix accessibility issues with Microsoft Dynamics CRM online

Evaluation tools that prompt user for manual checks

Braille Displays

Website Sharing Widgets

Making Sure of ARIA Screen Reading Settings

Menus and toolbar navigation, and auto text update.

Best acccessible accordion widget example