WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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iPhone Videos in browser full screen mode - screen reader reading content in the background - Any thoughts?

How useful is the datalist element?

Mobile automation tools for accessibility testing


Looking for aria-live examples that actually work as expected on Desktop Safari (or Chrome) with VoiceOver

why is everything "clickable" in NVDA

Remote Usability Testing for AT users

DL, DT, DD in PDFs

University Accessible Web Policies and Student Personal Pages

Document structure in aggregated content

2nd Round Deadline for AHG 2017 Proposals: May 31

Not all content tagged when converting from Word or PPT to PDF

Bibliographical tags in PDF

Fwd: CADET from NCAM: free captioning tool for online videos

font icon links, focus, and Title element

Title, tags, lang - where are they in a PDF document? Beginning or end?

"iPad" Tablet for the visually impaired

Guides to android and Ios accessible programing

Programming for Dragon

Background changing

Magazine Interface/Flipbook

Accessible MS Word Form

How to get my business email back

Font Icons with title / aria-label fail 1.3.1?

accessibility program costs

Does anyone know the VoiceOver gesture (on iPad) to move the focus between two Safari windows that are opened side by side (in iOS split view)?

Web development; How to identify if a screen reader is in use

Scanner and OCR software

Form builders with oracle database integration

Help Database Integration

JAWS/IE reading aria-labelledby and aria-describedby

Icon instead of text > open in new window

e-magazine - accessibility

Styles in Word: A Primer for Accessible Document Design now available

Student Media Requirements

Intro to Advanced Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA)

The Screen Curtain Bookmarklet

Must all form fields be active to be perceivable?

The Simplest (and Most Performant) Way to Offer Sharing Links for Social Media

JAWS, group of buttons, and ARIA

Wcag 2.1

Looking for a volunteer expert in Excel to help a user of Jaws

gaad 2017 May 18


Placing focus on form element

various readers

Javascript Learning From a Blindness Perspective

What accessibility software should a college library put on its public computers?

SC 2.2.2 and auto-updating

Guidance on Audio Description

Two PDF accessibility surveys - have your voice heard