WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Accessible bi-lingual forms using Adobe live-cycle designer is this possible?

Inclusive Design 24 on 17 September

Multipoint and Path-based gestures - Websites in desktop

Suggestion required for Facebook iframe feed provided in a web page

qr code and guidelines

Starting my first accessibility testing

Accessible RGB Colour List

Aria Alert and Progress Loaders

New September webinars from The Paciello Group!

Z-Order manipulation

PDF tag for title

Marking up a countdown timer

Requesting for opinion on footer reference accessibility

Need your recommendation for pagination links

Synchronised media ambiguity again

Web accessibility beginner free webinar

WebAIM-Forum Digest, Vol 185, Issue 6

Skip links recommendations

Ady Barkan and deep fake of his words

Visibly hidden headings to label regions and landmarks

Captioning tools with high accuracy

captions on web vs native apps

Accessibility for a data processing button

Required VS Optional

Jaws professional license cost for 50 users

remote desktop program question with screen reader

Web-based games

MathML creation

Filter Component Accessibility

Auto generated closed captions from YouTube videos and WCAG compliancy

Keyboard Access in DHS Trusted Program Website

Keystroke Timing in DHS Trusted Tester

Breadcrumbs Question

Doubts regarding website logo

Accessibility with Angular SPAs

Android date picker: font scaling and screen reader support

apple question

Glyphicons and aria-label or alt=

Non compliance to a status message that is not displayed?

Do Web developers tend to dislike the button element?

What three aspects of accessibility in an educational setting do you consider to be most helpful?

Document Signing Software

Success Criterion 1.3.1: Info and Relationships: what about inaccessible drop-down menus?

  •  by Howard Kramer (Aug 12, 2020 10:18am)

Question About Alternative Text

1.3.4 Orientation

Visible labels for link, combobox and button?

Using ARIA grids


Sortable table columns

Error identification for multiple