WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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clicking outside the menu

Internal tool accessibility justifications

Accessible tool reviewing Firefox accessibility tree

Web accessibility and UK law - SENDA 2001 vs EQA 2010

Poll: HTML Emails vs. Plain Text Emails

accessibility conferences

visually impaired front end developer

fontsize vs. window width and line length

Navigating listbox with NVDA

IAAP certified Web Accessibility Specialist exam (and CPACC)

IOS and Android Low Vision Accessibility Testing Guidance For New Testers

Powerpoint Video Accessibility

Color Contrast Question

Fantastic Article on Web Accessibility Basics

PDF Help Desk

AHG 2017: Early-bird Registration Ends in 2 Days

AT that get their information from the Accessibility Tree, other than screenreaders

Delete PDF tag vs. artifact?

JAWS reading disabled radio button state incorrectly

Latest and greatest document accessibility best practices?

Accessible Social Bookmarking

InDesign and adding Alt Text

Select List form control in Onbase Unity Forms

Burger Menus and necessary ARIA support

form validation and error handling. (tech gurus)

Need information on Mobile Accessibility Guidelines

Accessible 'Live chat' solution to integrate on a website

Remediation Cost Versus Inclusive Design Cost

Online fillable PDF form solutions

Testing PDfs for accessiblilty

Native Mobile Solution For Something That Acts Like Placeholder

Social Media, Live: real-time accessibility

Help with a fillable PDF form

WebAIM-Forum Digest, Vol 150, Issue 7

Calendar widget Date selected status did not announced by JAWS/NVDA

VoiceOver IOS Testing Questions, One At a Time

VoiceOver in Safari on iOS: how to handle focus when using software keyboard

Testing with JAWS and NVDA - which versions are best?

upcoming digital accessibility events

FW: Social Media, Live: real-time accessibility

Ask the Smithsonian videos

WebAim emails going to my junk folder

Contrast Testing in MS Word

Font-resizing widget/Google Translate

Running ChromeVox as a library in a web page?

Job: Accessibility tets lead - BB&T

Screen readers with Confluence

ARIA Question About Application Mode

Using a Mouse with a Screen Reader

Remediation of Substantial Pages of Large Websites

Asking for views on using h1-h6 heading markup inside data tables