WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Screen reader and greyed-out submit button

Wanted: Examples for drag-and-drop implementations with pointer alternatives

Call for Proposals! Web Accessibility Summit - St. Louis, Missouri

blind users and quality software training materials

Positioning and Styling Guidelines for Closed Captions

Instructions for Custom Keyboard Shortcuts

Job Opening - Assistant Coordinator of Educational Access Services

Improving the Accessibility of My Projects

Accessibility of image cropping

"Q&A" content presentation question

Insertion of content into documents.

Images with captions - technical realization?

Dragon NaturallySpeaking Option Numbers

Free webinar on January 15: Roadmapping Your Accessibility Program


My Maps

  • My Maps by Catherine Roy (Jan 6, 2020 8:13am)

PDF tables (again): NVDA, VO not reading headers

NVDA Screen Reader

WebAIM-Forum Digest, Vol 178, Issue 4

highlighting code changes on an html page

High Contrast Test

Difference Between ADA and WCAG

Screen reader accessible Web Testing Tools

Difference Between MAS & WCAG

Does JAWS read Alt-Text in Excel Table?

Dropdown label issue

Multiple Column Headers for one Column

heading question

Sliders with two thumbs on mobile

ACR Best Practices

how to trash focus when sighted

[WebAim] custom text ctrl.

What Does The Adobe Form Wizard Look For When Attempting To Create Forms?

Same link label for different products

Breadcumb nav same page accessibility

Table/Accordion Hybrid

Accessible Compare Feature

Embedding links in an editor

FW: SC 1.4.13 Sufficient Techniques

WebAIM's StrategicA11y Workshop

Duration of Success message

Treegrid Question

Fwd: Jim Thatcher has died

Dynamic price change on radio button selection

Embedding a PDF into a Word file - Is it still accessible?

Readability of abreviated terms

WebAIM-Forum Digest, Vol 176, Issue 18

labeling a link in the html code question

Exposing the selected state of buttons

quick question on alt text

accessibility non-proffets question