WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Showing records 7051 to 7100 of 10864

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List of accessible javascripts

Use of ROLE=GRID for identifying data tables is a POOR practice for future compatibility

Forms in WORD format

Multiple form inputs as a list item


Call for Papers: i-Society 2010!

Links in tables and title attributes

Hyphenation best practices

Reading of tables with JAWS

Dragon Naturally Speaking - "Click Close"

WindowEyes and ARIA Landmarks

accesskey and P3

One Day Web Accessibility Courses on Universal Design and Accessible Forms in January 2010 at University of Illinois

Are JavaScript alerts accessible?

help demystify some java for me.

2009 web accessibility in review

Quicktime X doesn't do SMIL but does text tracks

Can't open .smil files with Quicktime 10

Problem with JAWS Table Navigation?

CSUN 2010 - Customizing accommodation to user need

Flash and Firefox question

Need List of Accessibility Vendors

Photo Gallery's

CNN article "Web accessibility no longer an afterthought" (featuring W3C & WebAIM)

WCAG 2.0 level A

Accessible Tree View?

Accessible TreeView?

Question for screen reader users

Google Mail

presenting at or planning to attend CSUN 2010?

insight about weird flash

Seeking PDF Tags Documentation

Link to Illinois Press Release on "University Commitment to Accessible e-book Technology"

echo: calling for help

WCAG 2.0 Compliance criteria for internal or non public websites

echo: any accessibility ideas?

forms, tab order, and "cancel" buttons

new LinkedIn Group focused on mobile/handheld technology accessibility

Jaws 11 and table summary

Call for participants: research study about Web accessibility standards

PDF Conclusion

Quoting previous emails

WebAIM list etiquette and rules

Top Posting vs Bottom Posting

list etiquette ? - Re: Is this slider accessible

Re: SPAM?: Is this slider accessible to screenreader users?

Re: SPAM?: where are you getting your accessibility info?

Is this slider accessible to screenreader users?

where are you getting your accessibility info?

i-Society 2010: Call for Workshops

Submitting forms via javascript: Button vs. link vs. other?