WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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HHS survey

  • HHS survey by Bourne, Sarah (ITD) (Sep 24, 2013 2:16pm)

Details/Summary in HTML 5 - Any 2.4.4 Link Purpose failures?

OneWebDay 2013

CSS Modal Windows

Use of <cite> Quotations with citation

usage of abbreviation tag

Detecting keyboard usage

JAWS reading out alt text twice

Links vs buttons

Summary and datatables?

for Chrome devs: intro to accessibility course


Javascript validator?

Adobe 11 accessibility check

Site Level Alt Tag validators?

ARIA-hidden vs role presentation for font icons

jQuery accessibility event Oct 10-11

Online course - introduction to web accessibility

Testing accessibility at an OS Level resources

ideal flash movies per webpage

your thoughts on voting and its accessibility

Javascript Lightbox & Accessibility

Who benefits of PDF tags aside from screen reader users?

SXSWI voting ends Sep 8

PDF converter

Early Registration Discount for Accessing Higher Ground Ends Today

Global Navigation: Suckerfish Dropdowns

About external / link opens in new window

Boston and DC accessibility events

CSUN 2014 Scientific/Research Track

Use of <H> tag in PDF

NVDA Browse Mode and ARIA-Label

Front End Developers and ATs

Windows Partitions interface

controlling a CMS for access

captioning on tables

Accessibility :: Issues with <br>, Issues with Chrome, Is it Skipping

Accessible YouTube Player in lightbox?


testing and Firefox versus IE

Announcing September 12 event at FCC: "Improving Accessibility for the General Public"

Clickable/Tappable Area

EventBrite - and Similar Services

Question: inlne headings

Accessible media players

captioning table question

Screen reader announcements

Universal Design Researcher and Expert David Sloan will Deliver Keynote Talk at AHEAD’s Accessing Higher Ground Conference – November 4-8, 2013

proper use of the division <DIV> tag

FW: Javascript question

Banner landmark and main headings