WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Job opportunity for a11y specialist in Dublin, Ireland

Free e-Learning book from US federal govt

Hideable content in Moodle

Are Highcharts really accessible?

PAC Checker Documentation in English

Overlay search box and screen reader modes

IAAP Certification Exam Prep Questions

JAWS/IE 11 not announcing aria-live regions?

WCAG 2.1 as a Table

expand and collapsible content for word press

alt text for banner ads

image link question

Tab and accordion order

SC 2.1.2 and braille displays/notetakers

alt or alt=""

Mobile: It's Not No Keyboard Trap, But What Is It?

Employment Opportunity at the American Foundation for the Blind - Accessibility Engineer 1

Trying to Understand 2.5.3

Free webinar on Accessible Kiosks on September 12

Career Opportunity - Digital Accessibility Coordinator

Accessing Higher Ground 2019: Early-bird Registration Now Open! (until Sept. 25)

Password managers and masked fields

How do you properly code an image viewer?

Title Attribute Issue

(no subject)

W3C Workshop on Inclusive Design for Immersive Web Standards


Workshop at EDUCAUSE Annual Conference: Conducting User Experience Evaluations with Students with Disabilities

Free Webinar on Mobile App accessibility common developer mistakes and way ahead.

Hiding inaccessible charts from screen readers?

Accessible theater seating charts

Color Contrast Testing Visual Question

Smart home app accessibility

Accessibility of simulations

Addressing accessibility of simulated discussions

3d picktures

Free Tutorial on Immersive Reader/Learning Tools in Office 365 subscription apps

looking for a working example of a table with multiple levels of column headers

A question about role slider and android TalkBack with chrome WebView

WordPress Accessibility

New free webinar on screenreader testing

what a11y metrics to you measure?

Classroom Media Playback accessibility

WordPress Content Developer wanted

Accessible survey assist request

has anyone done remote training for ios voiceover? (via zoom preferred)

[External Sender]links in aria-describedby

Reduce font size on all paragraphs and success criterion 1.4.4 Resize text.

h2 headers for main and footer nav elements

WebAIM-Forum Digest, Vol 173, Issue 1

Kendo UI spreadsheets