WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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what do I need to know a about accessibility cookies?

Tabpanel visible focus indicator

Is it ok to intentionally break WCAG 2.5.3?

Chrome PDF Viewer ToC focus problem

subheading structures that support heading navigation

Screen reader speed in demo

Visual ARIA Update


Potential Firefox bug with W3C ARIA pattern?

image not shown in PDF reading order still read by JAWS

WebAIM-Forum Digest, Vol 208, Issue 5

Lang attribute on names

List of PDF tags

Guidance on the audio presentation of text in videos, including captions, subtitles and other on-screen text

Accessible PDFs from Microsoft SSRS?

ISO guidance/standard for alt text, text alternative

Best practice for language markup

PDF column tag

Aside element inside and aside?

Accessible HTML On-line Editor for Screen Reader User

ISO accessible time tracker for developers

CSS only Tab control using a radio button group - Good or Bad idea

Using the Summary attribute in tables

Inaccessible Ed Tech Research by AFB

Survey on Inaccessible Medical Bills: Reporter

question about design for either-or buttons

Smart search assistants

google docs accessibility

PDF Tagging - layout tables.

accessibility of Office 2019 better than Office 365?

WCAG 3.3.2 vs 3.3.3

Product color variation selection in e-commerce

Date-Picker native or Plug-in?

Linux and accessibility

is grouping checkboxes using radiogroup permisible?

Using Aria within a table to indicate that a cell is highlighted

linux accessibility

DOJ Fails on a11y websites

WCAG 2.2 skipped?

Website evaluations

accessible chatbot

"labelling" links to inaccessible PDFs, blackend content?

Accessible magazines

Visual Focus for Jump Link?

accessibility courses

MMS Accessibility

stupid question about pdf's

PDF/UA Matterhorn Protocols - how to use?

Accessing PrintFields Attributes

Accessibility of googles reCAPTCHA version 3 and other possible alternatives

eLearning and slide presentations