WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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FW: Accessible online survey

interview with Jared Smith

Current state of accessibility API:s in Linux?

Color Contrast

Hyperlinks displaying as blue text only

JAWS & <dfn>, <acronyms>, etc...

YouTube caption fonts

screen reader support of ajax live regions

Accessibility in Flex

drop down menus

Structure of accessibility guidelines

Are Google Maps accessible?

Re: Lectora and accessibility

JOB POSTING: Accessibility Software Quality Engineer: Apple Inc. (fwd)

Accessible Javascript

(no subject)

ActiveX accessibility

Microsoft's ClearType Tuner

Help With an Addition to JAWS-interface in London

Call for Papers: ELS-2009!

DeckTalk Express

Adobe Connect

WCAG 2 and Javascript

Texas Healthcare Workers Wanted for Study Participation

Update on mlb.com accessibility

coding attributes for image links

Labels for file fields?

2009 IEEE Accessing the Future Conference

ARIA at www.vons.com ?

Large numbers and currency symbols in screen readers

FW: Evaluation: Accessible Interface to YouTube

Evaluation: Accessible Interface to YouTube


ARIA Landmarks and Headings

Update: MLB alerts and a question

WebAIM Happenings

aria live regions

quotes and the <blockquote> element

Vote for accessibility on recovery.gov

Adobe Flex, Accessibility, Voice Recognition, Grids, and Screen Readers

Is email accessible?

Navigation in HTML forms

ICITST-2009: Final Call for Extended Abstracts and Workshop Proposals.

Illinois Functional Web Accessibility Evaluator 1.0 Released!

Accessible Date Selector

media types; css

Accessible Message Boards

Flash Player vs. NCAM/CCPlayer

Re: accessible table sorting

Banner add w/chat?

iCaption2 Student Project to create people learn about and create captions for Flash Videos